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Swedish ‘Fika’ Culture Boosts Teamwork at Gunnebo

[People and culture]

The Swedish ‘fika’ tradition makes good business sense too

Gunnebo is introducing online “fika” sessions to strengthen co-operation and understanding between different parts of our multinational business.

Fika is a big part of Swedish culture, consisting of a short break to share a cup of coffee and something sweet to eat.

Many Swedes consider it essential to make time for fika every day, because it is important to pause and socialise. Fika refreshes the brain and strengthens relationships.

And it makes good business sense too: firms have better teams and are more productive where fika is part of the routine.

Gunnebo’s fika sessions take place online. Our experience with online fika sessions during the Covid pandemic, when we took measures to try to overcome the isolation of our employees under lockdown, showed that meetings such as this help to boost confidence, improve empathy and understanding, build collaboration and create a good atmosphere within the team.

“Each business unit, country and department is incorporating fika sessions into their work, to encourage colleagues to get to know each other better, and help improve relationships within and between different parts of the business,” says Clara Colomes of Gunnebo Group Human Resources.

“We had a very good experience when we launch a similar initiative during Covid. The conversation is relaxed and open, and people gain confidence to share their thoughts and concerns.”

The fika sessions will each focus on one particular issue, concluding with action to make improvements.

To find out more about working at Gunnebo, click here.