Gunnebo Ethics Helpline
Report your concerns
At Gunnebo we’re dedicated to creating an ethical, engaged, thriving corporate culture.
Everyone working at, or with, Gunnebo must feel comfortable speaking up, raising questions or concerns about ethical issues or cases of non-compliance, without fear of reprisal.
The Gunnebo Ethics Helpline is intended for the reporting of business ethics and compliance concerns only. If you would like to discuss an issue related to our products or services, or have any other enquiry, please contact us via the link at the foot of this page.
Our Code of Conduct, and our Code of Conduct for Suppliers, set the tone for how we conduct our business globally. In addition, we have a strong commitment to comply with the laws, regulations and standards that apply in the countries in which we operate.
The Gunnebo Ethics Helpline provides all Gunnebo employees and external stakeholders with a dedicated reporting channel for raising concerns about any suspected violation of the Codes of Conduct, our policies, or applicable laws and regulations.
Your report is completely anonymous, unless you actively choose to reveal your identity.
Reports from employees
Inside Gunnebo, if any employee wants to discuss a concern, or if they suspect any violation of laws or our Codes of Conduct, corporate policy or directives, we encourage them to talk to their manager or local HR representative. Our staff can also contact the Legal Department via the company intranet Midas.
We offer the Ethics Helpline to our employees as an additional option for reporting their concerns.
Reporting from outside Gunnebo
External stakeholders – business partners, customers, suppliers, and other third parties involved with Gunnebo – who suspect a violation of laws or our Codes of Conduct can also raise concerns by using our Ethics Helpline.
Tell us what happened
When making a report, please include a detailed description of your concern, such as what has happened, when did it happen, where did it take place and who is involved.
If you provide information about a person, please do not include sensitive personal information which is clearly part of that person’s private life, such as mental or physical conditions or religious beliefs.
You can access the Ethics Helpline via the internet, and find local country phone numbers if you would rather do so by phone, by clicking the link here.